Remembering where we’ve been, looking ahead to where we’re going
EMI is a Christian non-profit made up of architects, engineers, surveyors, and construction managers who value Design, Discipleship, and Diversity.
EMI News
At EMI Sénégal, we’ve had times of want and blessing, rough storms and pleasant ocean breezes.
Through difficult setbacks and new growth initiatives, the weekly devotions we share with the UK team have been a steady encouragement.
A time of praise and prayer across continents, a time to step outside the busyness together to ask our Creator for guidance.
As we trust our Lord to lead us in West Africa, we celebrate His faithfulness to EMI UK.
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Pray with EMI
We ask you to pray with us as we navigate the many changes and challenges of ministry at EMI across the world, and as we cast our cares upon the Lord. Pray with EMI through our monthly Prayer Calendar—sign up today!
Fellows Landed
The 2022 cohort successfully arrived at their second office placements in January! From the United States to South Africa, Cambodia to India, and Uganda to the USA, these complex expatriations are something to celebrate!
Are you on the map in the EMI Network?

Measuring and evaluating EMI’s Africa project work
US Corporate Partner: SHM Architects

Lead — Andrew Jensen is an an urban planner from the USA. A member of the Sénégal team since 2018, he now leads EMI's efforts to serve people and grow the staff team in West Africa. Andrew and his family live in Saly, Sénégal.
EMI UK at 15 — Stephen Douglas is a retired architect from Belfast. He agreed to take on all that is EMI in the UK late in 2022 and has been working to connect UK professionals to EMI every chance he gets. He lives with his wife Ruth in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Projects Past, Present, Future — John Sauder is an architect from the USA who has spent the best part of the last 20 years with EMI in Uganda. As Global Programmes Director since 2020, John oversees evaluation efforts like the Africa Projects Evaluation Initiative (APEI) creating new insights (and acronyms) for EMI. John and his wife Paula live outside Jinja, Uganda.
Editor: Matthew J. Coffey, EMI Global
Web Design: Shalom Lazarus, EMI Global
Issue Cover: Adam Gordon, EMI Uganda
Watercolor Art: Ivy Ng-Coffey, EMI Global, Ivywild Studio
Inside EMI is a 100% in-house production. This magazine is from the people who are living and being EMI around the world.