EMI’s people in 2023
People make up the heart and soul of EMI. They give selflessly and joyfully of their time and talent to serve our ministry clients through culturally-appropriate, transformational designs and services.
They come together in multi-cultural teams, rejoicing together in successes and supporting one another through challenges.
EMI’s People, 2023. Tap to replay.
EMI uses terms Global South and Global North as defined by UN, with few exceptions.
In 2023, our teams grew, our work expanded, and our 12 offices were strengthened.
Our 236 staff, 53 interns, and 147 volunteers represented 39 nationalities!
We are serving communities and the Church in a way that demonstrates the unity we share in Christ.

EMI’s projects in 2023
Over many years, EMI has offered technical backstopping for water projects in support of Relief and Development partners around the world.
While this amounts to hundreds of projects served in this category, it typically represents a small percentage of our annual work.
EMI’s Projects, 2023. Tap to replay.
This year EMI is launching new programmes development in the WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) sector.
This brings us ‘outside the walls’ of our typical services to engage directly with local communities in need.
Alongside extended partnerships in support of water and health outcomes, our hope is to bring the ‘living water’ of Christ to those who thirst.

EMI’s finances in 2023
Even with the uncertainty of the economy in 2023, EMI donors were again very generous towards EMI.
One exciting development was an increase in new donors in Canada, who provided significant increases in giving to the EMI Fund, allowing EMI Canada to onboard critical new staff.
EMI’s Finances, 2023. Tap to replay.
For EMI USA, Volunteer Hours are valued to calculate the Contributed Services portion of EMI Income.
Meanwhile, we made progress on improving project and office efficiency last year, doing our part to carefully steward the resources entrusted to us.
We are grateful for the many donors who partner with us—
You are enabling EMI to help missions and Christian charities around the world get great results from their development projects.