Bringing a new “Micro-grid” power station online in rural Tanzania
EMI is a Christian non-profit made up of architects, engineers, surveyors, and construction managers who value Design, Discipleship, and Diversity.
EMI News
How does Research and Development (R&D) connect with a desire to involve the people of EMI in spiritual and professional discipleship more directly?
Fundamentally, R&D is not about the creation of new things but rather a discovery of God the Creator and His restorative work to make all things new. It is the study of how the built-form can reflect His glory.
On the African continent alone, there are staggering development needs that require innovative solutions. EMI’s research focus supports our project work in the region but can also engage a receptive design and construction industry with attributes of God... clearly perceived in the things that have been made (Romans 1:20).
Join with us by contributing to this year’s Growing Globally campaign to outfit new R&D laboratory facilities in Uganda. Help us disciple a new cohort of EMI and local industry professionals.
Are you on the map in the EMI Network?
Important message about the COVID-19 Coronavirus
EMI leadership is actively monitoring and responding to the COVID-19 situation affecting our worldwide ministry and teams. Read full statement.
What about EMI Mexico?
A medida que EMI comienza a planificar el nuevo lanzamiento de la oficina en México, estamos buscando conectar con diseñadores de la red de EMI que hablen español. Profesionales que sientan el llamado de Dios a servir en un creciente equipo de “EMInautas” cuyo enfoque de ministerio es México. ¿Podrías ser tú? Por favor contáctate hoy con hr@emiworld.org!
Read in English
First EMI CE Practicum in Cambodia!
Last month, nine people attended a Civil Engineering Practicum hosted by EMI Cambodia staff and EMI volunteer Civil Engineer Jeff Wing from the USA. The class travelled throughout Cambodia visiting EMI-designed projects to learn more about civil engineering and land surveying.
Run 4 Hope this summer with EMI Canada

Across 42 projects in 28 countries and two decades, Canadian Architect Steve Ulrich has used his skills on mission with EMI.

Leaving a Legacy
- Birthplace: Sydney, Australia
- Profession: Civil Engineering
- First EMI Trip: Papua New Guinea, 1985
- Verse: 1 Corinthians 7:20-24

Staff Construction Manager
- Birthplace: Odisha, India
- Profession: Civil Engineering
- Joined EMI: 2015
- Verse: James 1:2-4
Energising the Gap — Andy Engebretson, P.E., has been on the staff of EMI USA for over 10 years. He has been leading the way for Electrical Engineers to get involved in the implementation of EMI projects. The Engebretson family lives in Colorado Springs, CO, USA.
Lead — John Sauder is an Architect from the USA who has been part of EMI Uganda since 2007, serving as Office Director for 10 years. John is now the EMI Global Programmes Director. The Sauder family lives near Kampala, Uganda.
20 Rewarding Years — Steve Ulrich is an Architect from Calgary with a 20-year history with EMI. As Founding Director of EMI Canada, he continues to support the team. Steve and his wife Barb live in Calgary, AB, Canada.
Editor: Matthew J. Coffey, EMI Global
Web Design: Shalom Lazarus, EMI Global
Videography: Jenni Keiter, EMI Global
Issue Cover: Jenni Keiter, EMI Global