In our 40 years of EMI podcast, we get into some of the backstory about key milestones in EMI's history. Hear from some of the people who walked the journey of faith and helped form EMI into what it is today!

From internships in the early days to more recent Fellowships, EMI's journey has included early-career design professionals.
Former Internships Coordinator Dannah Koeniger, P.E., Early Career Programmes Manager Lesley Smith, and former intern and current fellow Shayla Dick talk about their roles in both shaping and participating in these key discipleship opportunities at EMI.
Moderated by Shalom Lazarus from EMI Global.

2022 also marks 20 years of EMI's journey of faith in Canada.
Founding Director and architect Steve Ulrich and Executive Director and architect Greg Young have worked together in Calgary for most of that time. They share about some of EMI Canada's key milestones from the early days of taking EMI's ministry north to the opportunity to pivot toward domestic ministry during the global pandemic.
Moderated by Shalom Lazarus from EMI Global.

The role of a volunteer project team and EMI's services have changed dramatically since 1982. Services like Concept Design or Owner's Rep. are now commonplace but weren't the original model.
Global Communication Director Matthew Coffey and USA Deputy Director Kevin Keiter tell the story of the events God used to grow EMI across the 40-year journey and what design services to Christian ministries look like now.
Moderated by Shalom Lazarus from EMI Global.