EMI’s people in 2021
The heart and vision of EMI draws a dedicated staff from around the globe. We are passionate about our work but ultimately aim to be about knowing God and being restored by him. We want our service to be supremely motivated and energized from this first love.
EMI’s People, 2021. Tap to replay.
*For EMI, “Local” means individuals whose origin nationality matches the country where the EMI project and team are located.
These motivations combined with the nature of EMI not only engages us in our areas of training, experience, and passion but also stretches us to take on new roles, adapt to new methods, and to cross cultures courageously and sensitively.
We are excited to be about serving in this way and doing so with such an amazing team of people.

EMI’s projects in 2021
This past year has seen continued growth in the diversity of EMI’s services.
Our teams are learning new ways to walk alongside our partners and the communities they serve from pre-design through implementation.
Across 2021, EMI was involved in 108 active projects in 28 countries.
EMI’s Projects, 2021. Tap to replay.
While overall project numbers have remained consistent, diversifying our services and strengthening local capacity has led to a decline in traditional volunteer opportunities.
In this we’re challenged to re-envision and re-engage our volunteers as stakeholders in the developing mission of EMI.
Together, we trust God will lead us into even greater Kingdom impact.

EMI’s finances in 2021
The lingering effects of the pandemic created unique challenges for EMI’s ministry in the beginning of 2021.
As the year went on and travel around the world opened up, our teams were able to get their footing and, for the most part, return to normal operations.
EMI’s Finances, 2021. Tap to replay.
For EMI USA, Volunteer Hours are valued to calculate the Contributed Services portion of EMI Income.
EMI has invested more in relationships with people in our community and we have seen an outpouring of generosity from donors. These gifts have allowed us to have a broader ministry impact including launching EMI Mexico in 2022.
We are grateful to God for His provision and for the partnership of EMI’s community.