Forty years ago a structural engineer used his technical gifting on a missions trip to the Pacific, bringing engineering and mission together in a new way.
From humble beginnings, EMI has grown into 11 countries with over 200 staff and interns. We are influencing the shape of missions around the world, and our 40-year journey of faith continues today.
Let me update you about a few of our teams:
Middle East | North Africa: I’m excited to see our MENA team release their key staff Architect and Deputy Director Baher to EMI Mexico. This isn’t easy for any of them, but Baher is pursuing God’s call to cross-cultural ministry and embodying EMI mission as ‘all people to all places’.
Our new Middle East location launch is moving forward with a scouting trip in August. The countries we are scouting include Turkey and northern Iraq. Last month, we held a short regional strategic planning event at EMI MENA for a few days. We look forward to seeing how the Lord calls together a new staff team to this effort.
South Africa: The team held their 2nd Network Conference with the theme, ‘Called to Build Hope’. I enjoyed taking part in this and hearing reports on a wide variety of projects EMI South Africa are engaged in: From a strategic planning effort in Zambia to a hospital electrical and water assessment in Madagascar to designing a leadership development home in Cape Town for those affected by drug addictions and gang communities.

Canada: 2022 is also EMI Canada’s 20-year anniversary and so much has happened since Steve Ulrich first brought EMI home to Calgary. I think Greg and the team are on a great trajectory with new domestic opportunities for projects, especially among First Nation communities.
But they need help. We were sad to lose Allen Adrian to complications with Cystic Fibrosis in late April. Serving with EMI helped Allen fulfill a longtime wish to contribute to missions overseas which was prevented by his ailments. He is survived by his wife and two adult children. This loss and other challenges have put a strain on EMI Canada. Please pray for God’s provision in staffing, projects, and finances.

Uganda: A movement of the Spirit led to a baptism service at The Gem Foundation in April! Twelve men and women on our EMI construction crew were baptized, including Obong Denis pictured above, one of the daily labourers on the site.
Gem chaplain Nsubuga Nathan has blessed our crews with strong teaching and a compassionate ear and baptized the new believers with help from Gem co-founder Josh Quisenberry. I just think this is incredibly special to celebrate in EMI’s anniversary year!

Growing Globally: Since 1982, God has greatly expanded EMI. Your giving to Growing Globally has helped make that possible. We’re thrilled to be adding a second office in Latin America! Architect Jorge Aguero has responded to the Lord’s call to launch EMI in Mexico. We are raising funds to help establish this office.
And, right at the 40-year mark, EMI has found a permanent home in Colorado Springs. We're putting down roots in the city and building a strong foundation for EMI worldwide. Our vision is to have the freedom to mobilize more resources for our teams around the globe by being debt-free within two years.
Give to Growing Globally as we celebrate 40 EMI years together!
I’m so grateful to the Lord for blessing and sustaining EMI for four decades! I can’t help but think that longevity is an indication of God’s favor and approval.
We are tools in the Master’s hands and He is using us to advance the Kingdom of God one life at a time, one place at a time.