EMI’s people in 2022
EMI is blessed with a rich diversity of staff, interns, and volunteers.
In 2022, our 203 staff from 20 nationalities gave generously of their time and talents to serve God and others. It’s God’s gracious love for us that motivates our international teams to work together in unity, bringing the best of ourselves to help carry out EMI’s mission.
EMI’s People, 2022. Tap to replay.
EMI uses terms Global South and Global North as defined by UN, with few exceptions.
Our numbers continue to grow as we create ways to join EMI for professionals who do not have equal access to missionary support. We particularly saw an increase in our volunteers in 2022, as international travel opportunities continued to open.

EMI’s projects in 2022
With the official launch of EMI in Mexico we’re further extending our reach into Latin America.
The number of projects in the region doubled this past year, adding to the nearly 30% increase in the total number of countries served by EMI teams worldwide.
EMI’s Projects, 2022. Tap to replay.
To develop greater capacity to help build the Church in more locations and within a growing number of people groups, we’ve started evaluating EMI’s services.
This refinement process will enable us to integrate more deeply in the variety of local contexts we work in as we seek out lasting partnerships and greater impact.

EMI’s finances in 2022
At each EMI location, we strive to be good stewards of the resources God has entrusted us. We are grateful for our donors who join us in faithful giving to see EMI’s Vision become a reality.
EMI’s Finances, 2022. Tap to replay.
For EMI USA, Volunteer Hours are valued to calculate the Contributed Services portion of EMI Income.
Many give to support a particular staff member, enabling that individual’s full-time ministry with EMI. Increasingly, others are giving generously to EMI, investing directly in our worldwide mission.
Last year, this investment enabled us to take the first steps towards changing how we fund salaries at EMI. We want to improve access for joining EMI staff locally and internationally and also create pathways for longevity and leadership at EMI.